Paul \u0026 Sam By Justin South

Paul & sam mystery thrillers series

Paul is drawn into Tim s psychic maze of cryptic messages What is Tim s influence Does Tim empower Paul to identify the culprit who caused his cousin s near death Can Paul decipher Tim s cryptograms to solve the mystery surrounding his passing Follow Paul s journey to love and happiness Share the passion as two young men overcome insecurities and develop their innate strengths Admire the kindness and generosity of Sam s family as it assists others less fortunate Deliberate the madness of revenge leading to the exposure of evil judicial corruption and a suspenseful court case approx 44 620 words Paul u0026 SamPaul \u0026 SamPaul Sam est un roman MM avec du myst re et un meurtre Leur histoire est assez intense.

Paul & samxon capacitor

Paul Sam is a MM romance murder mystery Their story is plot intensive with a degree of psychic chemistry as the following brief description indicates 19yo Paul lives a lonely tormented existence One night he meets Sam in extraordinary circumstances He discovers Sam hero worships him for saving his cousin s life after a cowardly beach incident two years earlier Blinded by infatuation for his hero and devastated by the recent death of Tim his twin brother Sam passionately pleads to Paul to become his partner While deciding avec une once de supranaturel comme la br ve description ci dessous l indique g de 19 ans Paul vit comme un solitaire menant une existence tourment e Une nuit il rencontre Sam dans des circonstances extraordinaires Il d couvre Sam pour qui il est le h ros ador pour avoir sauv la vie de son cousin apr s une attaque l che qui s tait d roul e sur une plage deux ans plus t t. Kindle Paul & sam's Aveugl par l engouement pour son h ros et d vast e par la mort r cente de Tim son fr re jumeau Sam intervient passionn ment aupr s de Paul lui demandant de devenir son partenaire Tout en h sitant Paul est aspir dans un labyrinthe par la pr sence psychique de Tim le jumeau d c d qui lui laisse des messages cryptiques Que recherche Tim Est ce qu il demande Paul d identifier le coupable qui a presque provoqu la mort de son cousin Paul pourra t il d chiffrer les cryptogrammes de Tim pour r soudre le myst re entourant son d c s Suivez le parcours de Paul vers l amour et le bonheur Partagez la passion des deux jeunes hommes leurs efforts pour surmonter l ins curit et d velopper leurs forces individuelles Admirez la bont et la g n rosit de la famille de Sam car elle vient en aide aux moins fortun s Ce livre n a manifestement pas eu le succ s qu il m ritait cela je vois plusieurs raisons la premi re la couverture esth tiquement tr s belle mais qui laissait sous entendre une histoire torride sans forc ment une histoire tr s fouill e derri re dont j tais je l avoue le fait que beaucoup de gens s arr tent une simple couverture bien que l auteur soit australien son criture est harmonieuse et berce joliment le lecteur dans l histoire fantastique qu il a cr Je vous en prie allez au del de tout a Ce livre le m rite amplement. Book Paul & same day Entre Sam qui n arrive pas surmonter la douleur d avoir perdu son fr re jumeau dans des circonstances tranges et dont la police a conclu au suicide un peu trop vite et Paul qui se retrouve la rue apr s que ses parents aient d couvert qu il tait gay se noue une profonde amiti Lorsque le p re de Sam prend Paul sous son aile comme il le fait avec n importe quel jeune homme qu il trouve abandonn et seul dans un certain parc de la ville Paul a du mal faire confiance en cette figure paternelle bienveillante. Paul & sam ebook pdf Tout ce livre n est que po sie douceur tendresse retenue et tr s bien crit On est loin des mots qui ne veulent rien dire ou des romans surfant sur la vague de l rotisme d brid Tout a son importance que ce soit les mots utilis s ou les personnages qui interviennent et qui ont tous un r le jouer dans le d nouement de cette enqu te passionnante. Paul & sam epub free La pr sence fantomatique de Tim ajoute une petite touche de surnaturel qui permet d all ger un peu les moments de tension mais toujours bon escient L auteur d nonce galement quelque chose auquel nous avons tous assist impuissant le fait que les gens haut plac s se croient au dessus des lois et agissent en toute impunit. Book Paul & sam's This book clearly didn t have the success it deserved I see several reasons for that first the beautiful cover implied a torrid story without any real plot in it I have to confess that it s exactly how I felt when I saw it and a lot of people based their desire to read a book on the cover And the writing by the Australian author flows seamlessly and beautifully lulling the reader into the fantastic story he has created. Paul & Sam booklet A deep friendship takes place between Sam who fails to overcome the pain of having lost his twin brother in strange circumstances in which the police concluded to suicide a little too fast and Paul who finds himself on the streets after his parents discovered that it was gay When Sam s father takes Paul under his wing as he does with any young man he finds abandoned and alone in a city park Paul is struggling to trust the benevolent father figure. Paul & samzareulos omebi The whole book is only poetry softness tenderness restraint and very well written It is far from words that mean nothing or novels riding the wave of unbridled eroticism Everything has its importance the words used or the characters involved who have a role to play in the outcome of this fascinating investigation. Paul & samzareulos omebi Tim s ghostly presence adds a touch of supernatural that alleviates some moments of tension but always wisely The author also criticizes something that we all witnessed helplessly the fact that people in high places think they are above the law and can act with impunity. Mystery thrillers paul & sample In conclusion I highly recommend this bokk to all the lovers of criminal investigations with a hint of ghost ebook Okay first off I do want to say I did enjoy the book Read it in two sittings which is a rarity for me any If I was a psychologist I would probably diagnose this book with multiple personality disorder I couldn t really tell if it was supposed to be a contemporary romance paranormal romance taking place in a different time or on a different world or a combination of all of those I couldn t tell where it took place it never really said I think it took place in Australia because of the surfing aspect of the sub plot and that they use the British legal system I don t think there is any decent surfing in the UK so assuming it s Australia To not give too much away I ll keep this fairly short. Paul & sam ebook pdf The main character Paul is a down and out young gay man having been thrown out of his home by his homophobic parents He is rescued and within moments is accepted by total strangers to be part of their home He has a connection to them that comes to light within moments of his arrival and through a series of very unrealistic coincidences does the plot wind its way through a sort of hit and run murder corruption and serial rape It was a bit much for a short novella in my opinion. Paul & sammamish There s a lot of unrealistic dialogue especially from the parents I can kind of get the doctor s speech he s being a little clinical because of the sensitive nature of being assaulted and living on the streets as a gay man But it does get too much when he starts giving advice on his own son s love life EWWW. Paul & sam booker This story has a lot of potential It needs so much It was too instant in everything In the two main characters getting together they are in bed no sex the first night to finding out who the bad guys are and how fast the evidence is found Now I m American I don t know the British legal system but the way they got the main piece of evidence that evidence would have been thrown out in an American trial But as I said not sure about the British legal system I let it slide A lot description maybe a setback or two not so much instant everything and maybe a explanation of Tim and his point in the plot again was this supposed to be contemporary Then why did everyone believe in Tim There was no discussion on how Tim could be doing what he was doing it was just accepted and that takes it into the realm of paranormal or other worldly There are sex scenes in the book they start out fairly innocent enough as this is Sam s first gay relationship They promise to each other no real sex until Paul comes back clean for siz months which is a good message the author provided HOWEVER when it came to that first time we get gypped It s told in a flashback and with very little description I m a sucker for first times and this just left me feeling ripped off after all that build up spoilerish My last little problem was the amount of gay people in one family Only 5% of the population is gay while not unheard of it is unusual for two brothers to be gay In this story the main character and his brother are gay the MC s love interest and his cousin are gay and the cousin s best friend turns out to be gay too while not blood relation it was too much of a coincidence Again if this is other worldly then no problem but a bit much for a contemporary in there here and now this world romance. Pdf paul & sample test Okay so you re wondering why I liked it so much Because I loved the main character Paul He had been through so much and grows so much in the book He learns to love and be loved and to learn he s not a monster he s not unclean or dirty that he deserves to be with Sam I LOVE stories like this Maybe the author will revisit it one day expand it out and provide a little conflict As it is it is a nice little read if you re looking for something to spend a lazy afternoon reading this is it ebook Voil un roman un peu d routant de prime abord tant il m le et m lange les genres Du r alisme dur du romantique du sexy du fantastique du polar le tout dans le contexte d un quotidien familial social et juridique australien dont il faut bien dire que nous autres lecteurs fran ais ne connaissons strictement rien ce qui accentue cette impression de d calage parfois jusqu au malaise jusqu ce que l on coute vraiment ce que l auteur veut nous raconter au lieu d essayer de faire rentrer l histoire dans un cadre convenu qui ne lui va pas Et ce que Justin South nous raconte avec une plume pr cise litt raire cisel e et merveilleusement traduite c est un conte de f e Un vrai fa on conte de Perrault ou de Grimm loin des Bisounours ou du pays de Candy Un conte de f e a commence toujours par une trag die la perte brutale du cocon familial et de la douceur de l enfance que les parents meurent Bambi Cendrillon ou vous rejette Petit Poucet qui vous propulse nu et d sarm dans un monde hostile empli de dragons pr ts vous d vorer de chasseurs voulant prendre votre c ur de m chantes belle m res sorci res Et le propre du conte c est de transcender cette chose effrayante et noire qu est parfois la vie pour vous faire croire qu avec du courage mais surtout de l amour et des amis pampan les nains ou le prince charmant vous vous en sortirez trouverez la chaumi re ou le royaume o vous pourrez vivre en paix tandis que les m chants seront punis. Book paul & sampler Et c est tr s exactement ce que l on a dans cette histoire teint e de fantastique Des gar ons perdus qui vendent ou donne leur corps pour quelques billets un peu de plaisir une dose de drogue ou juste pour avoir un contact humain Et des pr dateurs ceux qui les utilisent comme des morceaux de viande et parfois les violent et les tuent Le jeune Paul chass de chez lui encore mineur parce qu il est gay fait parti du premier groupe Guid par sa marraine f e personnelle il va retrouver le gar on dont il r ve depuis 2 ans Sam Et dont il a sauv le cousin et ami Adam Ainsi va il gagner une famille un amant des amis et un avenir La romance est douce belle extr mement romantique Mais le roman ne s arr te pas l Car les retrouvailles de Paul et de celui dont il a autrefois sauv la vie vont les mettre sur la piste des pr dateurs et l issue d une traque minutieuse ou l union fait la force permettre la justice d tre rendue et aux m nes du gentil fant me assassin de reposer en paix sauvant au passage un autre enfant perdu Alors oui il y a des choses sans doute un peu irr alistes ind pendamment de l aspect fantastique un amour qui s exprime un peu na vement apr s quelques jours de retrouvailles ils auront quand m me soupir dans le vide pendant 2 ans avant cela des co ncidences qui n en sont pas mais c est le propre du Destin une famille si adorable qu on y croit pas il en existe pourtant des gens extraordinaires pr ts ouvrir pas seulement leur porte monnaie mais surtout leur c ur et la porte de leur maison non un d tective super habile un bon avocat un procureur qui fait son job et une justice qui puni les coupables Bien s r que c est trop beau pour tre vrai Dans la r alit le meurtre serait rest impuni les coupables auraient continu leurs petites vies tranquilles Sam se serait peut tre suicid Chris et Adam seraient rest s solitaires et malheureux et tr s probablement Paul aurait termin sa courte vie une seringue dans le bras couvert de vomi dans un squat sordide ou gorg pour quelques dollars Alors tout prendre je pr f re un conte de f e avec happy end et au diable le r alisme N h sitez pas d couvrir ce conte MM la fois moderne et po tique noir et utopique ebook 1. Paul & samyak 5 starsA mystery plot gone haywire that s the best way I could describe this story If this could have been just a murder mystery that would have been good but the author mixes it with some weird romance storyline that seems totally unrealistic This is a make believe story Let me divide this story into two parts based on the murder mystery and the love story of Sam and Paul The first half of the book majorly focuses on getting the two characters together Paul has been living a hard life ever since his parents kicked him out the reason one can guess and his sexual encounter one night with two rich brats ends him up in a bigger mess He is found by a kind old man who helps him and takes him back to his home under his family s care And that is a turning point for Paul in his life He finds family friends and most of all true love under one roof and that all in one day Why is it hard for me to believe this storyline you ask I mean this could be the case of insta love right Nope it woulda been believable if it was insta love Sam hero worships Paul because Paul had been the guy who had saved his cousin s life in the past But Paul has had a major crush on Sam s twin brother Tim who is dead When Sam practically begs Paul to consider being his partner for life the latter agrees Sam s parents give their blessings to this couple and they even let them share a room Who in their sensible mind does that Letting a complete stranger into their son s life like that Not to mention they are still teenagers which means their hormones run high on sky I know Paul has been a hero to the family but one would give their hero gifts presents even money not their son for life I actually thought Sam s father literally pushed Paul into accepting Sam in his life And it all happens in a matter of days The second part the murder mystery was quite readable though the outcome wasn t very surprising The identities of the murderers become quite clear even before they are revealed in the book And I thought the end could have been enlightening The author uses summaries and not actual scenes to give us the whole picture of how the killers get caught which in turn drags us through the most interesting part of the book I have never read anything from Justin South before but I have to say this author has a flair with language The tone of the story comes off very rich but too rich to be a teenage boy s narration Not only Paul but every other character save for Sam s uncle whose tone of dialogue was surprisingly normal for a change speaks like they come from an aristocratic family Like when Sam s father says As we ve explained we view our pledges to you as the most meaningful we ve had the privilege to commit to an investment in your happiness and future as well as Sam s It is my belief that a good editor could have really given this a makeover and made the content readable and flawless There were a few punctuations missing here and there in the reviewers copy I received but that one can ignore The other issues I couldn t I wouldn t say Paul Sam s story isn t a good one overall The sex scenes are quite well written and steamy But content wise this just didn t go well with me. Book paul & sample pdf This was posted on The Blog of Sid Love ebook Sometimes you fall in love with a story because of the plot the way the characters are written or because at that time in your life the book somehow resonates with you. Book Paul & same In this case Paul and Sam are two characters that I rooted for The story of Paul is gripping His character is real and I suspect based on someone in the author s life his experiences with folks like Paul or a blend of several characters like Paul Although I suspect the way this character pops out at you it s a character with whom he is very familiar The character study of Paul hits you in the first chapter when Paul describes his feeling of being used the male hustler that he is explaining in short terse lines why he agreed to go with two men he met at a pub The moments when Paul meets Sam and then falls in love with him are touching This is when the first person narrative used by Justin South works well. Mystery thrillers paul & sample This long novella takes different twists and turns and at some points it was difficult to see where it was going An objective criticism is that there were some subplots I had to re read and sometimes the character dialogues were overwhelming to me because I had to determine who spoke and when I did like the references to Endless Summer Additionally it may be distracting to some Americans but I like the colloquial use of Aussie slang In sum I like the story of the male hustler with a heart of gold and I liked the happy ending I really rooted for happiness between Paul and Sam and you should too ebook

Paul \u0026 Sam By Justin South
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Paul & Sam book
Professionally I write articles for various accounts around the world Recreationally I write sexy gay YA and M M romance stories some with a degree of mystery suspense or murder suspense themes. Book paul & sampler Over recent years Ive counselled and assisted a large number of gay youths in Australia and some overseas My contribution to the M M Romance Groups video in support of the It Gets Better project provides some detail commencing at the 7 mins 55 secs mark here site_link Professionally I write articles for various accounts around the world Recreationally I write sexy gay YA and M M romance stories some with a degree of mystery suspense or murder suspense themes. Paul & sam pdf free Over recent years I ve counselled and assisted a large number of gay youths in Australia and some overseas My contribution to the M M Romance Group s video in support of the It Gets Better project provides some detail commencing at the 7 mins 55 secs mark here site_link site_link Paul Sam is a YA romance about young love first love coming of age and self discovery It s a story about acceptance the importance of friendship and loyalty and overcoming obstacles to find one s place in this world It is written with a classical beauty a poetic quality that at times is almost lyrical The story has a sweetness and innocence that immediately draws you to the main characters Paul having been kicked out of his home at the age of 16 for being gay has become experienced in the ways of sexual encounters as a way of quelling the loneliness of life on the street yet is inexperienced in the ways of love even though he longs to meet that special someone Sam withdrawing into himself after the assault on his cousin and the murder of his twin brother is gay and a virgin but yearns to meet the hero he has long held in his heart and mind the boy who saved his cousin after a horrendous assault The assault and the murder brushed off by the authorities as accidents and misadventures provide an element of mystery to their story Both boys are very different yet both so vulnerable and both exhibit the passion of virginal innocence yet in different ways Paul with a street sense tough exterior yet vulnerable heart Sam a heart on his sleeve type of guy I am actually glad that this book was self published via Smashwords Had it gone the traditional publisher route particularly with an American publisher I fear much of the Aussie English terminology would have been edited from the text to the detriment of the tone and feel of the book The phraseology added so much to the mood of the moments The sexual encounters in this book were love scenes in the truest sense His golden skin glowed in the soft incandescent lighting which glistened his eyes in rapturous adventure His swoony face signified a tapestry of emotions of pleasurable discovery fascination excitement and contentment His presence stole my heart Instead of utterances of expletives and clenching channels Mr South delivers the opium of romance with passages such as I want to hear the mounting body noises and the blasts of canons and roars of comets and the fanfares of trumpets I want to see the white lights and flashing stars and feel the uncontrollable shudders the electric bolts and jolts and spasms Then I want to experience the afterglow and twilight pleasures The poetic writing style places you right in the emotional intensity of the moment. Book paul & sample In addition to the beautiful love story there is a paranormal element as well as an element of mystery as we follow the main characters in their pursuit of justice in a case involving persons of power and privilege and a corrupted justice system The story contains a cast of characters that warm your heart with their fierce dedication and loyalty to one another and show us what being a family is all about A beautifully written story delivered with a writing style that you just don t see too much any ebook I am not really sure how to rate this book It is written very eloquently and almost poetically The words the descriptions and the storytelling are told with a very upper crust highly educated flair At one point I compared the writing to high school classicsand a little Shakespearean but with farts Strange but true. Paul & Sam epubs So my 3 star rating has nothing to do with the quality of the writing My main issue was twofold The story line and plot were a little unbelievable and unrealistic and the style of writing was a little over the top for my personal tastes I loved the premise of a twin brother Tim from beyond grave psychically offering clues to the twin left behind Sam and his new lover Paul The mystery was not very mysterious to the reader it was easily figured out from the get goyou are just along for the ride while the rest of the family puts the pieces together. Paul & sammamish I believe that there will be many who adore this kind of romantic prose but for me it just didn t work out that well ebook I don t usually read any books under 220 pages not because of any other reason than I prefer full novels The product description and reviews had me curious about this book so thought I would give it a go. Paul & sammamish I have to say the first few pages had me wondering if I had made a mistake everything seemed to be happening very fast and I found myself thinking this just would not happen this way in real life As I continued to read and got drawn into the the story I understood that it didn t matter if I thought this would happen in reality This was a beautifully written book dealing with rape murder mental abuse acceptance love sexuality and family The characters grew on me and I adored Paul and Sam and the relationship that developed between them I enjoyed the way the pieces of the puzzle was put together to bring the murderers to justice and overall I loved the writing storyline as well as the characters After reading Paul and Sam I found out his book is based on true events which breaks my heart but also gives me hope that if authors write books like this people will be educated I will most certainly be reading from Justin South. Book paul & sampler Highly recommended ebook Je le d composerai en 2 parties une premi re qui est emplie d espoir d amour de tendresse bref de sentiments tr s positifs La seconde en revanche est plus sombre car il est l heure de certaines r v lations pourtant l espoir est toujours pr sent ce qui emp che le r cit de s alourdir de noirceur. Book paul & sample book La premi re partie est assez d routante car je ne sais pas si on peut r ellement compter cela comme un point n gatif mais l exc s de positivit n est pas habituel On se demande m me si le livre ne va pas se transformer en histoire mi vre et l eau de rose C est presque la limite de l exc s de sentiments mais cette limite n est pas franchie. Paul & samwell Heureusement la seconde partie comblera ceux qui ne sont pas amateurs d exc s de bons sentiments Nous y d couvrirons une intrigue qui se d veloppe des r v lations importantes n cessaire l volution des personnages principaux. Mystery thrillers paul & sample Au final je dois dire que le style de l auteur est superbe et qu il retranscrit sans probl me les sentiments c est sensible et po tique la fois m me les sc nes sexuelles sont tr s belles et d bordent de sentiments un juste dosage Le seul b mol que j aurais est au niveau du traitement de l histoire en elle m me qui est un peu d routant ebook This is my first read by this author I had no expectations upon entering his realm and I must say I was not at all disappointed The characterizations are descriptive yet holds the reader s interest without distracting from the story enticing you to become their friends The scene descriptions and plot development are easily imagined coaxing the reader to continue the journey and discover the author s intent Caution possible tiny spoiler alert But it s non descriptive and vague and really is an itsy bitsy thing I have to admit though I was a bit skeptical at the insertion of the paranormal I had to stop and ponder how this would be beneficial to the author s up to then quite realistic tale But I didn t stop very long he had me hooked and I simply had to march on to learn what magic would hold this all together Well I needn t have worried It seems this author is quite adept at surprising the reader while maintaining the story s platform no magic required End of possible itsy bitsy spoiler As this is in part a murder mystery I should interject that I was engrossed from beginning to end Complete with thickening plot and unexpected surprises it held me and lured me to its ultimate conclusion and heartwarming epilogue. Paul & Sam pdffiller En conclusion un livre que je recommande vivement tous les amateurs d enqu tes criminelles avec une once de fant me, Book paul & sample pdf This is a definite 5 out of 5 for me and I am certainly looking forward to reading another tale that Justin has to weave for us ebook.

.Please go beyong it This book really deserve it