Nothing is easy for DJ where women are concerned and he spends many an evening discussing his situation and seeking advice from his friend Lundine at the College Inn over a game of chess Jan and Caroline are modern young women and friends who cannot decide between fidelity and stability on the one hand or freedom and excitement on the other Neither wants to settle down just yet and can t even come to grips with what the term actually implies Will either of them find happiness with DJ or will they move on to someone else Can eroticism and travel together give a relationship enough of a boost to make love stay Find out if DJ can win back Jan s heart or is it forever damaged and incapable of further love Does his infatuation for Caroline turn into love and lead to a lifelong relationship Can Jan and Caroline deal with the animosity that arises between them because of DJ and reach a truce and.
If you said this is a story of romance a story of love a story of love that turns to hate and back to love again or possibly a story of emotional and physical bondage you d be correct But it is also a story of intertwined individuals who learn about life and death together over a period of years and finally appreciate the fact that their feelings and actions with each other have consequences Because of that it is also a story of their expectations dreams and the final reality that awaits them after years of searching and analysis in a society that has changed dramatically in a very short period of time Like many men in the 70 s and 80 s DJ is confused by the quickly changing roles of men and women and is not well equipped to handle those changes He s in love with Jan but doesn t understand her or why she marries a Swedish man just to keep him from being deported Distraught he easily becomes infatuated with Caroline who just so happens to be Jan s best friend and a beautiful free spirited blonde to boot As you might have guessed if they do will it lead to something Come in from the winter rain pull up a chair pour a glass of wine and see how this triangle develops and whether Jan DJ and Caroline are eventually able to make sense of it all A Love Too Far.