Lost Boys (The Black Knight Series Book 1) By Mackenzie Brown

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Renowned criminologist Delbert Walsh has spent five long years searching for his only son during the political upheaval of 1970 s Liverpool Walsh believes boys have been disappearing from the area for over twenty years but the lack of a single clue has driven the retired policeman to flirt with alcoholism Carol Blake and her three male friends find their lives in danger when they become acquainted with Walsh as the net closes in on the perpetrator Lost Boys The Black Knight Series Book 1 With Lost Boys Mackenzie Brown presents a modern novel braiding together a multiplicity of styles to form a fascinating period piece crime horror novel Partly a macabre coming of age novel with an adolescent girl narrating as an outsider enmeshed in the heart this boys tale is juxtaposed with hard gritty anti hero seventies style detective story detached narration mixed in with the language of the time a smattering of horror and threads of post modern life imitating art imitating life More than the simple story told to entertain Lost Boys provides a wealth of artistic delights in a deliberate genre stew.Lord Malinov English

Lost Boys (The Black Knight Series Book 1) By Mackenzie Brown
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Lost Boys (The Black Knight Series Book 1).