The Girl with a Magical Unicorn / La Bimba con un Magico Unicorno (a bilingual book in English and Italian) (The Adventures of Giulia 1) By Michelle Longega Wilson
And a chance to learn many new things Giulia goes through many unbelievable situations resolving problems with courage and imagination The book has been written by an 8 year old girl Please visit her blog at The Adventures of Giulia Le avventure di Giulia is a bilingual series with text in English and Italian The books are written for English or Italian children as well as for students or adults who wants to improve and practice their second language Buy a copy for your daughter or granddaughter or any other child with whom you would like to share these wonderful adventures in English and Italian Also available in English French and English Spanish coming soon The Girl with a Magical Unicorn La Bimba con un Magico Unicorno a bilingual book in English and Italian The Adventures of Giulia 1 .
#heading[2]The Girl with a Magical Unicorn / La Bimba con un Magico Unicorno (a bilingual book in English and Italian) (The Adventures of Giulia 1) By Michelle Longega Wilson |
English |
28 |
Kindle Edition |