POET: Most Successful Poets of all Time. (Quote Series Book 7) By Lucas Smith

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A creative and artistic person High perception and imagination with profound insight is what that differentiates between a poet and a layman A multicolored arc in the sky is just a rainbow to a layman but a poet has greater capacity to receive sense impressions about it to express his powerful feelings. Poetmet The art or the skill of writing poems in a particular language or form is a natural gift or it may be acquired ability by which a poet deals with the reality of life It is through the art of poetry that the universal facts are represented The way a poet idealizes reality and represents the things accordingly rouses our admiration to the art of poetry Thus.

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POET: Most Successful Poets of all Time. (Quote Series Book 7) By Lucas Smith
Kindle Edition
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A poet is a possessor of unusual sensitivity or insight He is able to express things in a beautiful and romantic way He is an imaginative adoption of a narrow view about poetry that it gives us not reality is out of place when one reads poetry and gets inspired and delighted And the notion that poetry employs artificial language is also incorrect when it is considered on the grounds of diction and poetic beauty and its excellence through which it has since long inspired the readers Hence one should turn to poetry to interpret life and to console himself that the poetry relates to our personal life The message of poems about life and the state of affairs may be understood and are to be applied in our personal life In this way poetry teaches us the lessons about how to live life providing the meaning of life It was thought that poets should be expected to contribute to society on an elevated plane It was felt that poets understood the importance of imagination and they could interpret issues with a sense of clarity that others didn t Through this book we will explore the greatest life lessons and secrets to success from The Most Successful Poets of all Time Reading a quote or two everyday will motivate you achieve your goals However motivation is worthless without consistency Therefore put consistent action to achieve success I hope this book will help you towards your journey Kindle Publishing POET Most Successful Poets of all Time Quote Series Book 7 POET: Most Successful Poets of all Time. (Quote Series Book 7).