The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution By Marci Shore

The Ukrainian nightkill 1980

Marci Shore is associate professor of history at Yale University and award winning author of Caviar and Ashes and The Taste of Ashes She has spent much of her adult life in Central and Eastern Europe A vivid and intimate account of the Ukrainian Revolution the rare moment when the political became the existential What is worth dying for While the world watched the uprising on the Maidan as an episode in geopolitics those in Ukraine during the extraordinary winter of 2013 14 lived the revolution as an existential transformation the blurring of night and day the loss of a sense of time the sudden disappearance of fear the imperative to make choices In this lyrical and intimate book Marci Shore evokes the human face of the Ukrainian Revolution Grounded in the true stories of activists and soldiers parents and children Shore s book blends a narrative of suspenseful choices with a historian s reflections on what revolution is and what it means She gently sets her portraits of individual revolutionaries against the past as they understand it and the future as they hope to make it In so doing she provides a lesson about human solidarity in a world our world where the boundary between reality and fiction is ever effaced The Ukrainian Night An Intimate History of RevolutionA profound very well researched and written account of a surreal revolution and war that hasn t ended yet based on personal interviews English Bardzo dobry reporta w formie rozm w i korespondencji kt ry jest swoistym portretem psychologicznym mocno zr nicowanej zbiorowo ci gotowej do rewolucji i po wi cenia w imi warto ci demokratycznych i samostanowienia Warto jednak przeczyta wcze niej co bardziej faktograficznego przynajmniej na temat samego Majdanu ale wa nym wydaje si te kwestia historyczna Ukrainy Ja mia em to szcz cie czyta ksi k Marci Shore zaraz po Pograniczu Anny Reid Mam wra enie e dzi ki takiemu backgroundowi mog em zrozumie o wiele lepiej poszczeg lnych bohater w English Porz dny reporta traktuj cy nie tylko o bolesnych do wiadczeniach Majdanu i jego donbaskich konsekwencjach ale wg biaj cy si pokr tce w histori tamtejszych ziem i filozofi lud w kt re doprowadzi y do wydarze rewolucji i ci gu dalszych okoliczno ci. Good night in ukrainian Dla Kateriny wszystko w tej scenie by o surrealistyczne prawos awna kobieta na komunistycznym placu udziela chrztu islamskiemu najemnikowi eby m g zabi nieistniej cych ukrai skich nazist w w ujemnych temperaturach bezdomni lepiej nalewali koktajl Mo otowa do butelek palce nie grabia y im na mrozie. Good night in ukrainian language Du o tu mistyki intymno ci politologii wr cz surrealizmu po i przednowoczesno ci Autorka opisuje niewyobra aln mi dzyludzk solidarno i srogie polityczne reperkusje Poznajemy kolejne doniesienia z Unii Europejskiej dzia ania Berkutu i Janukowycza spostrzegamy lataj ce koktajle Mo otowa i wp ywowe wpisy na Twitterze rudymenty Zwi zku Radzieckiego i nacjonalizmu b d faszyzmu dania sprawiedliwo ci i cywilizacji English I don t feel comfortable rating this because I lived through these events and like everyone in this book have a very specific perspective on what happened not least because I was in my late teens at the time But in many ways this book explains some of the most difficult to explain concepts and ideas of Ukraine Ukrainians Ukrainian culture society and consciousness It definitely focuses on a very specific segment of the population including a disproportionate number of left leaning intellectuals Even so a half dozen or so perspectives differ from this common vein To me these half dozen perspectives are common than the left wing intellectuals But that is just my experience English Bardzo dobra literatura faktu Gdyby wydarzenia z Majdanu stanowi y ca o da bym nawet 5 gwiazdek Rewolucja na Majdanie to porywaj ce zwyci stwo humanizmu wz r wsp pracy i sprzeciwu wobec opresyjnej w adzy Studium kooperacji wzajemnego wsparcia i samoorganizacji Opis wojny z Rosj cho bardzo ciekawy nie mia w sobie ju tego metafizycznego czynnika Sprowadza czytelnika na ziemi co samo w sobie nie jest z e ale po prostu ta wojna cho tragiczna zb dna i fascynuj ca jako przyk ad putinowskiego autorytaryzmu nie jest do wiadczeniem uniwersalnym nie ujmuje za serce na zwyk ym ludzkim poziomie English

The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution By Marci Shore
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Subjectivity mused a Polish historian friend when we spoke about the Maidan I haven t thought about that word since the days of Solidarity English More like a 3. The Ukrainian nightcafe 5 bookMarci Shore knows her stuff and definitely writes a perfectly good intimate history of the Revolution of Dignity But as much as I loved The Taste of Ashes The Afterlife of Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe I was disappointed in her Ukrainian text. Book the ukrainian night club At some point it becomes too intimate too subjective For somebody completely unfamiliar with the Ukrainian Maidan events the book would be a good introduction A knowledgeable audience might be struck by its naivete I would have preferred The Ukrainian Night to be of an analysis of what has happenned rather than a mere recount of the events of the Maidan Crimea annexation and the war with Russia. Book the ukrainian nightlife The same is applicable to Snyder s The Road to Unfreedom to which I gave 4 for simply being grounded in the historical context albeit of a questionable sort anyway English The first half consists of moving oral histories well curated and integrated of Ukrainians who participated in the 2014 Revolution of Dignity Shore is an academic who takes a wider view of revolution its transient spirit you had to be there as well as its lasting psychological impact having been there you will never be the same This comes in the form of allusions and resonant quotations than lengthly analysis I found this mostly interesting though at times it came close to getting on my nerves trees are trustworthy than forests The second half is about Crimea and the ongoing conflict in the Donbas It s thematically diffuse but offers much insight into current events Recommended English An odd one beautifully written her Caviar and Ashes is one of the best books on the interwar avantgarde and very sympathetic in the first half on the sheer complexities of the Maidan I found much of the second half on eastern Ukraine rather hard to take though that may be irritation at the views reported than a flaw in the writing itself English Naprawd bardzo wa na ksi ka Shore potrafi dotrze do sedna sprawy i pozornie nieistotnych aktor w a tak e nakre li szeroki kontekst spo eczno historyczny I to przy u yciu minimum s w English The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution.

About the Author: Marci Shore

Marci Shore is associate professor of history at Yale University and award winning author of Caviar and Ashes and The Taste of Ashes. She has spent much of her adult life in Central and Eastern Europe.