Broke and Broken By Lucas Ledwaba
Broke and broken difference
Broke and The Shameful Legacy of Gold Mining in South Africa explores the exploitation the blatant disregard for health and safetyregulations whose implications continue to be felt in rural villages far away from the imposing mine shafts. Broke and brokentail This book explores one of southern Africa s greatest tragedies and it is told by the men from Pondoland and Lesotho the labour reserves that oiled the gold mining industry It also delves into how as a result of migrant labour families were broken and how generations of families followed the well worn path to the mines only to return years later carrying a disease that is incurable and leads to a slow painful death Broke and Broken explores how following the deaths of their spouses widows are left to live in deprivation and struggle to raise children on handouts thus creating fertile ground for another generation of poor young men with no choice but to follow the same route followed by their fathers before them to the gold mines It is a story of human tragedy suffering and how in their quest for profit the mining houses cared very little about the health and safety of the very men whose sweat made them millions in profit Broke and BrokenI cannot rate human suffering with stars rhaa. Broke and brokenstar May this book be read far and wide Broke and Broken Very quick read but very difficult stories to stomach The latter sections on legislative action was a nice touch It would have been interesting to hear from consumers and others in the industry s supply chain how mineworkers and their plight are viewed It seems that a lack of consumer support and apathy of others higher in the food chain not just other White mineworkers who were mentioned throughout is what allows the continuation of poor mining practices Broke and Broken
Broke and Broken By Lucas Ledwaba |
1928337368 |
9781928337362 |
English |
177 |
Kindle Edition |
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