A Prologue of Sufi Orders in Sudan By Muhammad Tajul Mafachir

AbstractThis book explores about the Sufi orders in the Sudan that still existed until now and their relationship between Islamic major Before the coming of Islam The religious of Sudan are paganism and christianity After several years the Islamic religion is coming together with Sufism The religious role of Sufism in Sudan is discussed together with its social and political impact in the society life This development characterized Sufism in the Sudan Many Ta ifas emerged and dominated the religious life of the Sudan The major Sufi orders which were regarded as source schools for Sufism in the Sudan were the Shadiliyyah Qadiriyyah Khatmiyyah Tijaniyyah Idrisiyyah and a brief review of some orders such as the Malamatiyyah Qalandariyyah Junaidiyyah Taifuriyyah Ghazaliyyah Hallajiyyah and Rifa iyyah The Sufi ta ifas in the Sudan followed the same system as the mother orders This system consists of the Shaikh the officials who help him the followers and the centre In the conclusion the writers state that the aspect of the influence of Sufism in the Sudan may be divided into two main phases the first from 1500 to 1800 and the second from 1800 to present time The contraction of Sufi influence in the religious social and political spheres had left a vacuum which was later occupied by a new Islamic organization As for the future of Sufism among such organizations it is undeniable that it has affected the Sudanese life in every aspect for centuries to get pdf please contact by mtajulmafachir yahoo. id A Prologue of Sufi Orders in SudanWhat do they say about this book The book that describes the history and doctrine of education about tasawwuf and tariqas in Sudan is very important and needed by the salik or aspirant of Sufis in the world especially in Indonesia the majority of the followers tariqas lack an understanding of the historical background the system and method of teaching doctrine technical terms even genealogy and sanad of tariqa followed Agus Sunyoto Historian writer I ve read this important book Very good as well if there s also started writing a similar book about Sufism in Indonesia Although this book needs a lot of improvement in the grammar Haidar Bagir Practitioners of Sufism The Sufi orders don t necessarily make their followers away from materialistic matters In fact history records that taifah roles extend the functionality of religious social economic educational and political With doctrine and extensive network Sufi orders do a lot of social change such as the fight against colonialism and this book has proved the truth of it Maman Imanul Haq Faqih The Da wah department of Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia If you interested in learning about Sufism in Sudan this is and indispensable book Francis Tapon BA in Religion Author of The Hidden Europe Fiction Biography History
A Prologue of Sufi Orders in Sudan By Muhammad Tajul Mafachir
A Prologue of Sufi Orders in Sudan.


Bachelor Islamic Studies di Omdurman Islamic University Sudan Saat ini sedang dalam penulisan buku catatan perjalanan tentang sufi mistik dan cinta di Sudan negeriseribudarwis.co