Kümme romaani ja nende autorid By W. Somerset Maugham

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Kord p rdus ks Ameerika kirjastaja tol ajal maailmakuulsa kirjaniku W Somerset Maughami poole paludes tal nimetada k mme tema meelest k ige paremat romaani maailmas et need siis koos Maughami eess nadega uuesti ja l hendatult v lja anda. Book Kümme romaani ja nende autoridad de Need eess nad saidki l htematerjaliks esmakordselt 1954 a ilmunud unikaalsele ja mahukale raamatule K mme romaani ja nende autorid kus ilukirjanduse suurmeister W Somerset Maugham vestleb lugejaga temale omasel kaasakiskuval moel k mnest k ige paremast romaanist maailmakirjanduse ajaloos muidugi tema enda arvates ja nende autoritest Maestro arvates kuuluvad nende k mne romaani hulka n iteks Jane Austeni Uhkus ja eelarvamus Balzaci Isa Goriot Tolstoi S da ja rahu jne Maughami poolt v lja valitud k mnest autorist neli on inglased Henry Fielding Charles Dickens Jane Austen Emily Bront kolm prantslased Gustave Flaubert Honor de Balzac Stendhal kaks venelased Lev Tolstoi Fjodor Dostojevski ja ks ameeriklane Herman Melville K mme romaani ja nende autorid

Kümme romaani ja nende autorid By W. Somerset Maugham
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Kümme romaani ja nende autoridWilliam Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874 He spoke French even before he spoke a word of English a fact to which some critics attribute the purity of his style His parents died early and after an unhappy boyhood which he recorded poignantly in Of Human Bondage Maugham became a qualified physician But writing was his true vocation For ten years before his first success he almost literally starved while pouring out novels and plays Maugham wrote at a time when experimental modernist literature such as that of William Faulkner Thomas Mann James Joyce and Virginia Woolf was gaining increasing popularity and winning critical acclaim In this context his plain prose style was criticized as such a tissue of clich s that one William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874 He spoke French even before he spoke a word of English a fact to which some critics attribute the purity of his style His parents died early and after an unhappy boyhood which he recorded poignantly in Of Human Bondage Maugham became a qualified physician But writing was his true vocation For ten years before his first success he almost literally starved while pouring out novels and plays Maugham wrote at a time when experimental modernist literature such as that of William Faulkner Thomas Mann James Joyce and Virginia Woolf was gaining increasing popularity and winning critical acclaim In this context his plain prose style was criticized as such a tissue of clich s that one s wonder is finally aroused at the writer s ability to assemble so many and at his unfailing inability to put anything in an individual way. Kümme romaani ja nende autorid kindle app During World War I Maugham worked for the British Secret Service He travelled all over the world and made many visits to America After World War II Maugham made his home in south of France and continued to move between England and Nice till his death in 1965. Kümme romaani ja nende autorid fictional character At the time of Maugham s birth French law was such that all foreign boys born in France became liable for conscription Thus Maugham was born within the Embassy legally recognized as UK territory site_link.