Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms By Joe Feldman
Grading for equityy york
This isn t There s a myriad of reasons that students don t do work in class assuming they all will magically convert if I change the way I grade is a pipe dream. Who wrote grading for equity Another spot that rubbed me wrong the assumption that all my grades are on summative assessments onlythat I don t recognize growthand that every assessment assesses the same skills and therefore a student s understanding of those skills changing from task to task 1 I DO give credit to students for the attempt I DON T give grades on a standard until I ve taught it several times and used formative assessments which students get credit for just attempting 2 No student fails my class because he struggles on a test.
Grading for equity summary
Five teachers cannot remake the entire system So I wanted some practical solutions and this book did not really give them to me This absolutely made me and my fellow teachers think about and discuss equity and grading and we will continue to look for ways to be better However I don t think that we can rebuild an entire grading system on our own I wanted data I wanted peer reviewed studies and methodology of why certain methods were better or effective and representative then others This book does not provide those things BUT It did get the conversation going and that is a good thing Grading for Equity What It Is.
Grading for equity book study
If you re looking for a quick practical read this book is not it You ll have to read at least 100 pages to get any tangible examples or tips you can take and implement into your classroom. Grading for equity participation Although Feldman recommends you read the book from start to finish there is a lot of repetition and I found myself feeling like a frustrated student thinking I ve already learned this Why do we have to go over it again When the meat of the book began and Feldman actually began discussing grading in a way that I could implement I found holes and glaring inadequacies Even inconsistencies For example he advocates for removing the zero and favors a four point system I found myself wondering about atypical grading practices In my grading practices I use a one or zero and I wanted some examples of how to grade within non traditional grading models and structures within pass fail for example I had problems with the no late work section at first he says students should be able to hand in work over and over but then he contradicts this and states there has to be an end point at the end of a unit for example On page 167 was this quote A summative assessment by definition occurs at the end of the student s learning after all the practice support and intervention has occurred and is completed I do not believe learning is ever done and the process based model of assessment I use values learning that is always in progress Feldman has clearly done his research and Grading for Equity is a well intentioned and thorough book I agree with the vision of the book although I had to read to page 71 to receive it 1 grades should be accurate vividly reflecting a student s academic performance 2 They are bias resistant preventing biased subjectivity from infecting our grades and 3 motivate students to strive for academic success persevere accept struggles and setbacks and gain critical lifelong skills This book had wonderful points grades are notoriously unreliable and do little to motivate life long learning extra credit is riddled with pitfalls but it just felt too long winded for busy practical teachers who want to quickly and efficiently instill grading practices that are accurate unbiased and motivating Perhaps I should have taken cue from the book s subtitle What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms I wanted a book that was mostly the latter and Feldman spent at least two thirds of the book on the What and Why Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms So good I struggle sometimes thinking about tangible ways to dismantle white supremacy in the classroom and folks your grading systems are certainly one Thoughtful easy to read practical really well done Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms Broadly this is an important read for all educators Evaluating our own grading practices has never been important I appreciated the nuance detail and scope of this text starting with a foundational understanding of how we got here the roots traditional grading practices have in the industrial revolution and capitalism and how these traditional practices provide hugely inaccurate understandings of student progress The book goes on to ask important questions of educators about their practices and provide meaningful ways to reflect on and change their grading I will say that once the book got down to actually providing meaningful ways to implement these theories it gets a little stuck in mechanical applications of standards that I think can be equally damaging to student progress such as implementing strict rubrics which as an English teacher I can tell you super strict rubrics often do not benefit student learning and encourage students to work towards the points allotted for each category rather than wholistic writing which is ironically the OPPOSITE of the author s assertion The truth is somewhere in the middle Overall some really important things happening here I appreciated the perspective and thorough research Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms This book made so much sense I m feeling excited and invigorated to implement equitable grading in my classroom It will change my practice in a big way and it will make things was clear Hopefully after adjusting to it students will be able to understand the point of grades and become intrinsically motivated Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms I read it I get it And on paper it all sounds so patently obvious Good practices. Grading for equity chapter 2 pdf Except I take issues with lots of things in the booklots of places where the teacher working in the real trenches with the real kids calls BS For instance my students will NOT do work that will not be graded in some way The author builds the argument on the premise that students are not doing work because they are embarrassed that they can t For 1 2 high achieving students this may be true For my students who stay up working until 2 am when they have to be at school at 7 30 but the writers seem to assume that all teachers are basing grades on a couple random assessments. Grading for equity second edition And ANY teacher working in the field will tell you that it s just not feasible to take late work over and over and overunless you want all teachers to be martyrs to their profession Again deeply troubling messaging to young adults about how the adult world they are about to enter works very few bosses will allow an employee to complete a project and resubmit resubmit resubmit ad nauseum and give employees half pay if they never even attempt it Also a deep lack of respect for the professionalism and time of teachers who already work way past contract hours assessing the work that was turned in on time not including that kiddo who decides to turn in the entire term s work on the last day of school And so much I get the issues with the 100% grading scale and I ve toyed with different ways of making it work I still take issue with the message we send young people when they turn in nothing and receive something in return even if that is a 50% There are deep messages conveyed that may color a future in an unfair world But I m not averse to examining other methods for fixing this statistical conundrum On the whole it s a good book for a conversation starter among staff but the argument is poorly supported and the warrants underlying the argument are profoundly flawed if you want a practicing teacher to drink the Kool Aid Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms Joe Feldman shows us how we can use grading to help students become the leaders of their own learning and lift the veil on how to succeed This must have book will help teachers learn to implement improved equity focused grading for impact Zaretta Hammond Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching The Brain Crack open the grading conversation Here at last and none too soon is a resource that delivers the research base tools and courage to tackle one of the most challenging and emotionally charged conversations in today s schools our inconsistent grading practices and the ways they can inadvertently perpetuate the achievement and opportunity gaps among our students With Grading for Equity Joe Feldman cuts to the core of the conversation revealing how grading practices that are accurate bias resistant and motivational will improve learning minimize grade inflation reduce failure rates and become a lever for creating stronger teacher student relationships and caring classrooms Essential reading for schoolwide and individual book study or for student advocates Grading for Equity provides As Joe writes Grading practices are a mirror not just for students but for us as their teachers Each one of us should start by asking What do my grading practices say about who I am and what I believe Then let s make the choice to do things differently with Grading for Equity as a dog eared reference Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and ClassroomsThere are misleading aspects of this book such as describing traditional grading as impenetrably complex pg 200 and citing evidence as ever professor I ve ever asked pg 180 Sketchiness aside I did learn some concrete ways to make a grade book equitable Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms This by far is the best book I have read that explains the toxic grading practices in depth and how they create inequity in our classrooms It is a must read for all educators Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms I finished my second read of this book recently but I feel like I ve read it many times because I am constantly referencing pieces of it While I am still struggling to activate some of the concepts that Feldman advocates for here I have integrated several into my teaching and I look forward to continuing that work If you re a teacher or professor looking to enhance equity in your classroom this is an excellent place to start It doesn t have to be an entire system overhaul but reading about these strategies applying as you go and self reflecting can make a marked impact on your students and you Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms This book has some great ideas and I have some takeaways that I love and plan on implementing That being said there were some aspects that I don t think were well done. Grading for equitywala There were small inconsequential errors that disrupted the flow such as saying Galileo thought the Earth was at the center of the universe and that the hundredths place is the third number after the decimal The author also seems to seriously underestimate the intelligence of teachers He wrote repeatedly that I likely have no idea how my grades are calculated and that the mathematical calculations involved in grading software are inaccurate Getting past this I like some of his ideas but also think some will amplify issues of bias e. Epub grading for equity studies g encouraging teachers to disregard assignments that they don t think represent that individual student s performance Grading for Equity What It Is Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms I did enjoy this book though it may have frustrated me even especially the parts about not understanding the math of grading I mean come on it s weighted percentages that s not difficult math I like the ideas presented I think they are important ideas presented But I also think we have a system in place around grading that is so deep that as one teacher or even in my case of this book study Why It Matters and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms
Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms By Joe Feldman |
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