Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 By Väinö Linna

Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 book pdf

V in Linna was one of the most influential Finnish authors of the 20th century He shot to immediate literary fame with his third novel Tuntematon sotilas The Unknown Soldier published in 1954 and consolidated his position with the trilogy T ll Pohjant hden alla Under the North Star published in 1959 1963 and translated into English by Richard Impola. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 kindle direct V in Linna was born in Urjala in the Pirkanmaa region He was the seventh child of Viktor Vihtori Linna 1874 1927 and Johanna Maria Maija Linna 1888 1972 However Linnas father a butcher died when V in Linna was only eight years old Thus his mother had to support the entire family by working at a nearby manor Despite his background Linnas interest in literature bega V in Linna was one of the most influential Finnish authors of the 20th century He shot to immediate literary fame with his third novel Tuntematon sotilas The Unknown Soldier published in 1954 and consolidated his position with the trilogy T ll Pohjant hden alla Under the North Star published in 1959 1963 and translated into English by Richard Impola. PDF Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2015 V in Linna was born in Urjala in the Pirkanmaa region He was the seventh child of Viktor Vihtori Linna 1874 1927 and Johanna Maria Maija Linna 1888 1972 However Linna s father a butcher died when V in Linna was only eight years old Thus his mother had to support the entire family by working at a nearby manor Despite his background Linna s interest in literature began early on As a child Linna loved adventure novels which he borrowed from the local library The author s education was however limited to six years at a public school which he finished in the mid 1930s After working as a lumberjack and a farm hand at the same manor where his mother had worked Linna moved to Tampere in 1938 Typical of his generation the adolescent author to be moved from the countryside to a developing city in search of industrial labour which he found at the Finlayson textile mills. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 booklet In 1940 Linna was conscripted into the army The Second World War had broken out and for Linna s part it meant participation in the Continuation War 1941 44 He fought on the eastern front In addition to being a squad leader he wrote notes and observations about his and his unit s experiences Already at this point Linna knew that writing would be his preferred occupation However failure to get the notes published led him to burn them In spite of rejection the idea of a novel which would depict ordinary soldiers views on war would later lead him to write The Unknown Soldier. Book Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2015 After the war Linna got married and started writing whilst working at the mills during the day Throughout his time at Finlayson V in Linna read avidly Such authors as Schopenhauer Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche gained Linna s respect Linna later said that Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front had also had a great influence on him However Linna s first two novels P m r and Musta rakkaus sold poorly he also wrote poetry but did not enjoy success with that either Not until the release of The Unknown Soldier 1954 did he rise to fame It is evident that at the time there was a distinct social need for a novel that would deal with the war and ordinary people s role in it A decade after the peace treaty with the Soviet Union many Finns were ready to reminisce some even in a critical manner The Unknown Soldier satisfied that need completely as its characters were unarguably diverse realistic yet heroic than those of earlier Finnish war novels The book soon became something of a best seller as it sold 175000 copies in only six months quite a lot for a Finnish novel in the 1950s Yet the reception of the book was harsh In Finland s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat the critic Toini Havu argued in her infamous review that Linna did not present his characters in a grand historical and ethical context which she thought was crucial Also modernists treated The Unknown Soldier with contempt At the time Tuomas Anhava referred to The Unknown Soldier as a boy s book because of its action packed storyline The acceptance of the general public and Linna s determination were however enough to outdo the criticism in the end. EPub Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2013 In the mid 50s Linna moved to H meenkyr and began to cultivate crops In 1959 the first part of Under the North Star was released The book was a success and other parts were to follow The second part was published in 1960 and the final part in 1963 In 1964 Linna sold the farm and moved back to Tampere This time he did not return to Finlayson as he now could dedicate his life entirely to literature due to the financial success hi site_link V in Linnan kolmiosaisessa suurromaanissa el syrj inen h m l iskyl alkuvoimaista maanl heist luonnonvaraista el m ns kansamme suurina murroskausina Teoksen ensimm isen osan ajallisina rajakohtina ovat helmikuun manifestia edelt nyt vuosikymmen ja ensimm isen maailmansodan aatto Keskeisen aiheen muodostavat Pentinkulman torppariperheiden talollisten kartanonherran ja pappilanv en toinen toisiinsa punoutuneet kohtalot ja niihin vaikuttavat ajassa liikkuvat mullistavat virtaukset Toisessa osassa saavuttaa torpparien tragedia huippunsa Tapahtumien vy ry l htee liikkeelle ensimm isen maailmansodan puhkeamisesta ja p ttyy marraskuussa 1919 Keskeisen aiheena on kansalaissota jonka muistot kirvelev t viel t n kin p iv n Viimeisess osassa kirjataan ne vaiheet joita t ll Pohjant hden alla on koettu itsen isyytemme aikana Kuvaus alkaa 20 luvun alusta ja jatkuu vuoden 1950 tienoille Varttuneempi lukijapolvi katselee kirjan sivuilta silm st silm n omaa itse n nuoremmille avautuu ennen tuntemattomia n kymi l himenneisyyteen V in Linna k ytt loppuun saakka nerokkaasti mahtavimpia aseitaan sovittavaa tai katkeraa tai hirtehist huumoria syventymist n syvenev ihmiskuvausta suoraan kansan suusta siepattua puhetta T ll Pohjant hden alla on taideteos Sittenkin se kertoo kansamme el m st enemm n kuin kymmenet historiateokset yhteens T ll Pohjant hden alla 2Sit m vaan mietin ett miten v h n arvoinen yksien el m toisille on aina ollut Miten julmaa on valtaapit v n viha miten harhainen on herrojen k sitys omasta hyvyydest n vuosisadasta toiseen ja miten kest m t n maailmanj rjestys jossa yhdet el v t toisten ty st ja kurjuudesta. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2paint Ja m mietin sit muistojuhlaa vuonna 2018 jossa pidettiin juhlapuheita miehist joilla on tuhansien punaisten veret niiden k siss en saanut suutani auki kun isot herrat ylisti valkoista terroria Mietin yl asteen historianopettajaa joka kysyi kenen suvussa on punaisia ja nauro p lle jos uskalsi vastata ja mun suvun punaisia erityisesti sit kotipihaan ammuttua poikaa joka n ytt valokuvissa ihan mun veljelt kuustoistavuotiaana Ja m mietin ett on asioita joiden kanssa on elett v mutta joita ei saa unohtaa eik kuulu antaa anteeksi On haavoja jotka ajan kanssa kyll arpeutuu mutta ne arvet j Ja ne periytyy. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2qt Ett joo Poikkeuksellisen helpot viisi t hte romaanisarjan toiselle osalle n on kyll Suomen kirjallisuuden ehdotonta parhaimmistoa 526 Ihan j rjett m n hyv idea kuunnella t t nikirjana julkisella paikalla Kyll tuli taas esitelty kyynelkanavien toimintaa samalla bussilla matkustaville. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2book 2020 Loppu on viel parempi toisella lukukerralla Ei hitto miten paljon m rakastan t t kirjaa 526 Den mest drabbande skildring av Finlands inb rdeskrig som jag har l st Upp tr lar b rjar lite l ngsamt tyngd av idel politiska tal Men under den l ngsamma inledningen byggs ocks hatet upp s att man k nner hur det sjuder i byn och s att jag faktiskt tror att kriget brutit ut innan jag gjorde det s dramatiskt och h tskt r det Sedan kommer kriget eller revolutionen som m nga av bokens personer kallar det till en b rjan och till en b rjan r det m nga som tror p en b ttre framtid och som jag skulle unna dem just detta men ocks m nga som rusiga av makten och undantagstillst ndet beg r grova vertramp Man drar i f lt och det g r illa Det finns mycket lite hj ltemod och betydligt mer brist p planering och utrustning mer k ld blod och d d Och v rre ska det bli n r kriget tar slut och avr ttningarnas och f ngl grens tid tar vid. Book Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2014 Jag har l st om inb rdeskriget f rr men l r mig nd nytt och f r en f rdjupad f rst else f r hur detta kunde ske h detta hat som man odlar och g der p b da sidor men ocks de privilegierades envisa motst nd mot de allt h gljuddare kraven p reformer Och nd s sv rt att f rst att detta faktiskt h nde i mitt eget hemland f r bara hundra r sedan Att finl ndare sk t mot finl ndare att man v grade f rlorarsidans avr ttade begravning p kyrkog rden och att vi p n got s tt klarade av att samla ihop oss och fokusera p annat n hatet och s ren och styra upp det h r landet efter t Jag har alltid haft lite sv rt f r ben mningen frihetskriget n mera s efter att ha l st Upp tr lar 526 Re read Full of the human impact especially from the losing side the Reds No one comes out of this looking well but then no war is fought cleanly Original review follows A historical novel that covers a bleak period in Finnish history Russia gets rid of the Tsar Finland declares independence and at the grassroots the tenant farmers have had enough A short and brutal civil war erupts The Whites representing the gentry and farm owners backed by Sweden and Germany defeated the Reds the workers with few rights backed by Russia which was wracked by its own civil war The Reds were no match and at the end of the Civil War revenge and retribution was swift many were executed or died from hunger or sickness This book mainly follows Akseli and his family as he unwantedly finds himself a leader of the Reds and then a wanted man as his old protagonists in the village seek their revenge His frustration and anger is so understandable The lack of rights held by the tenants and workers give them slave like lives. Book Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2016 The book covers Finnish nationalism is anti war provides characters that are real normal people and focus on the impacts on them rather than covering the politics or military masters The whole concept behind this series the stoic way it is written and the focus on the impact on one specific community is absorbing 526 On jopa johtavana sieluna. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2m maroc T ll Pohjant hden alla sarjan toinen osa k sitt Koskelan perheen vaiheet vuoden 1918 sis llissodan ymp rill Kirjan keskeisin hahmo on Jussin poika Akseli joka on siirtynyt torpan p asialliseksi viljelij ksi ja jonka el m n tapahtumat kietoutuvat tiukasti ty v enliikkeen syntyyn ja nousuun sek my hemmin punakaartiin Kirjan tunnemaailma on huomattavasti ensimm ist osaa synkempi Itselleni Suomen sis llissotaan johtavat vaiheet ja sodasta syntynyt kansallinen trauma ovat aina olleet emotionaalisesti kaukaisia Kirja sai kuitenkin jopa minussa aikaan varsin voimakkaita tunteita Linna onnistuu erinomaisesti kuvaamaan ty v enliikkeen synty aatteen merkityst arkisten haasteiden kanssa painiville torppareille ja ty l isille sek syv n kahtiajaon eskaloitumista v kivaltaan H n kuvaa kokonaisen kyl n el m niin luontevasti ja vaivattomasti ett lukijan on helppo vaipua valheellisen historiallisuuden tuntuun. EPub Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2013 Kirjan loppu oli erityisen koskettava Vankeudesta ehdolliseen vapautunut Akseli on palannut Pentinkulmaan vaimonsa ja lastensa luo Jokin on kuitenkin lopullisesti muuttunut Akselissa sota vankeus ja toverien kuolemat ovat j tt neet j lkens t h n pysyv sti Vaikka asiat ovat n enn isesti hyvin mik n ei traumaattisen ja traagisen sodan j lkeen palaa en ennalleen 526

Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 By Väinö Linna
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Synkk synkk on kaikessa raa assa realismissaan vaikken edes pid suurimmasta osasta hahmoista heit kohtaan on jotenkin pakko tuntea sympatiaa V h n keve mpi kin tunnelmia oli v lill mutta p llimm iseksi mielikuvaksi t st osasta j i raskas ja vihainen fiilis Ei sill ett se olisi huono asia vaikuttavahan t m oli. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 book 1 Koulu onnistui aikoinaan tappamaan minusta ihan kaiken mielenkiinnon Suomen historiaa kohtaan mutta t m n my t asiahan alkaa jopa pikkuisen kiinnostaa 526 No nyt mentiin sis llissotaan Sai t mut melkein itkem nkin Ihan kauheaan ep toivoon ainakin Muhunhan siis tarttuu kaikki tunteet Lopussa meinasi ep toivo vallata enk olisi jaksanut viimeisi sivuja mutta pitih n sit suomalaisella sisulla ponnistella loppuun. Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2 book 1 Mietittiin kaverin kanssa ett kirjakaupoissa pit isi olla erikseen hylly valkoiselle heterocismieskirjallisuudelle Sitten tajuttiin ett niin sitten ei olisi muita hyllyj Okei Suomessa ehk valkoinen heterocisnaiskirjallisuus ja sitten erikseen hyllyt Pirkko Saisiolle ja Tove Janssonille Tuli t ss vaan mieleen On nimitt in j nn lukea t t naiskuvausta aina v lill 526 Niiin hyv Itse pid n juuri sis llissotaa yhten kiinnostavimmista Suomen historian k nnekohdista ja t ss se nousi hyvin esiin vaikkakin hiukan puolueellisesti Enimm kseen eritt in surullinen teos mutta ilon hetki kin l ytyi Kolmannen osan aloitan v h n haikein mielin 526 Toisessa osassa on paljon sellaista mik elokuvassa vilahtaa vain ohitse Mielenkiintoinen ja ehk viel pys ytt v mpi kuin ykk sosa joten kai tuo kolmas pit samaan hy myyn lukea 526 Upea massiivinen kirja joka opetti minulle enemm n sis llissodasta kuin yksik n historian tunti N k kulma on tavallisen kansan p osin punakaartilaisen ja herraa pelk m tt m n torppari Akselin joka onkin suosikkihahmoni koko tarinassa Paljon synkempi ja raaempi kuin edellinen osa mutta my skin hitaampi ja vaikeampi kuunnella nikirjana 45 t hte yl sp in py rist en 526 Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2.

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About the Author: Väinö Linna

Väinö Linna was one of the most influential Finnish authors of the 20th century. He shot to immediate literary fame with his third novel, Tuntematon sotilas (The Unknown Soldier, published in 1954), and consolidated his position with the trilogy Täällä Pohjantähden alla (Under the North Star, published in 1959–1963 and translated into English by Richard Impola).Väinö Linna was born in Urjala in the Pirkanmaa region. He was the seventh child of Viktor (Vihtori) Linna (1874–1927) and Johanna Maria (Maija) Linna (1888–1972). However, Linnas father, a butcher, died when Väinö Linna was only eight years old. Thus his mother had to support the entire family by working at a nearby manor. Despite his background, Linnas interest in literature bega Väinö Linna was one of the most influential Finnish authors of the 20th century. He shot to immediate literary fame with his third novel, Tuntematon sotilas (The Unknown Soldier, published in 1954), and consolidated his position with the trilogy Täällä Pohjantähden alla (Under the North Star, published in 1959–1963 and translated into English by Richard Impola).Väinö Linna was born in Urjala in the Pirkanmaa region. He was the seventh child of Viktor (Vihtori) Linna (1874–1927) and Johanna Maria (Maija) Linna (1888–1972). However, Linna's father, a butcher, died when Väinö Linna was only eight years old. Thus his mother had to support the entire family by working at a nearby manor. Despite his background, Linna's interest in literature began early on. As a child, Linna loved adventure novels which he borrowed from the local library. The author's education was, however, limited to six years at a public school which he finished in the mid 1930s. After working as a lumberjack and a farm hand at the same manor where his mother had worked, Linna moved to Tampere in 1938. Typical of his generation, the adolescent author to be moved from the countryside to a developing city in search of industrial labour which he found at the Finlayson textile mills.In 1940, Linna was conscripted into the army. The Second World War had broken out, and for Linna's part it meant participation in the Continuation War (1941–44). He fought on the eastern front. In addition to being a squad leader, he wrote notes and observations about his and his unit's experiences. Already at this point Linna knew that writing would be his preferred occupation. However, failure to get the notes published led him to burn them. In spite of rejection, the idea of a novel, which would depict ordinary soldiers' views on war, would later lead him to write The Unknown Soldier.After the war, Linna got married and started writing whilst working at the mills during the day. Throughout his time at Finlayson, Väinö Linna read avidly. Such authors as Schopenhauer, Dostoyevsky, and Nietzsche gained Linna's respect. Linna later said that Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front had also had a great influence on him. However, Linna's first two novels Päämäärä and Musta rakkaus sold poorly; he also wrote poetry but did not enjoy success with that either. Not until the release of The Unknown Soldier (1954) did he rise to fame. It is evident that at the time there was a distinct social need for a novel that would deal with the war and ordinary people's role in it. A decade after the peace treaty with the Soviet Union many Finns were ready to reminisce, some even in a critical manner. The Unknown Soldier satisfied that need completely, as its characters were unarguably diverse, realistic yet heroic, than those of earlier Finnish war novels. The book soon became something of a best seller, as it sold 175,000 copies in only six months — quite a lot for a Finnish novel in the 1950s. Yet, the reception of the book was harsh. In Finland's biggest newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, the critic Toini Havu argued in her infamous review that Linna did not present his characters in a grand historical and ethical context, which she thought was crucial. Also modernists treated The Unknown Soldier with contempt. At the time Tuomas Anhava referred to The Unknown Soldier as a "boy's book" because of its action packed storyline. The acceptance of the general public and Linna's determination were, however, enough to outdo the criticism in the end.In the mid 50s, Linna moved to Hämeenkyrö and began to cultivate crops. In 1959, the first part of Under the North Star was released. The book was a success and other parts were to follow. The second part was published in 1960 and the final part in 1963. In 1964, Linna sold the farm and moved back to Tampere. This time he did not return to Finlayson, as he now could dedicate his life entirely to literature due to the financial success hi Täällä Pohjantähden alla 2